Six Point Six Miles Short | Teen Ink

Six Point Six Miles Short

June 25, 2009
By Alex Perea BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Alex Perea BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was standing by the door with the

black window
waiting for Aime Jo to stroll in calmly;

& smooth…
I heard the clatter
coming from behind.
Assumptions & precedent told me it was

absolutely nothing.

I was wrong.

The clatter was a woman who wasn’t Aime Jo.
She walked with determination,

& today, panic.
That morning, she was
the bearer of

the worst news ever.

Aime Jo was hit.
My superhero

wasn’t invincible.
Riding on the corner of one street & another

she was hit

& knocked onto the boulevard.

He got out of the car

to check the damage

but she didn’t move.
His heartless self dragged

her from the street & left her for dead,

only—she wasn’t dead.

Fully Alive, she took care of herself…

Called for help.

Called the woman.
She sat on a corner, untouched

wondering if she wasn’t worth waiting for

because he said he was parking his car.

He didn’t.
He drove off… “pedal to the metal”
& now he’s out there

knowing he hit her.

And she’s here,


why she’s not

worth waiting for.

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