On a Walk | Teen Ink

On a Walk

July 1, 2009
By mcBut3r SILVER, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts
mcBut3r SILVER, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 7 comments

On a Walk,
By Myself.
I'm in the Mountains of Vermont,
during Autumn.
Sometimes it is good
to be Alone.
Just You and your Thoughts,
Spinning in Your Head.
As I walk over Rocks and Stones,
I look around at
the Trees;
Colors I have Never seen Before.
Scarlets, Yellows, Oranges.
Small Bits of Reds, Here and There.
There is still some green Leaves,
but Many Pine trees.
Not your Original Crayola 8 pack,
But the 64 pack with the built in sharpener!
At some points I felt like I was
in a Colorful Cave;
a cave I could stay in Forever.
But I had to go back,
back to the Cabin,
back to the Warm Fire and Loving Family.
Back Home.


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