The Candle | Teen Ink

The Candle

January 23, 2024
By acook1 BRONZE, Pitcher, New York
acook1 BRONZE, Pitcher, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The next time you leave work, take a left"

I woke up in a box. It's walls, floor, and ceiling are void black. At what seems to be the center of this cell lies a large candle. I was left with one direction. Don't let it's fire die. It burned brightly, only dimming slightly in times of struggle. It almost went out once. Dark time. It's never burned as bright since. Lately, it's been burning high and fast. It's caused my cell to fill with smoke, causing my lungs to ache. It's increasingly worse with each agonizing second in this soon to be tomb. My lungs have begun to protest. I'm choking harder and harder. I know I have to put out that stupid candle. But I cannot fail my task. I refuse to let anyone else down. I cannot let that candle die. I'll adapt. I'll burn pieces of my flesh when it's wax gets low. I'll do anything to be good enough. I can't let the darkness swallow me. I can't let it's light leave me. I know it will eventually. I must prolong it's death. It can't die !

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