What If | Teen Ink

What If

January 29, 2024
By Anonymous

What if we were born already old

and got younger as time passed

Like the use of pencils

They are tall when new 

and shrink when used

What if humans had nine lives like a cat

Would you take more chances 

Would you be less afraid of death

Would you still be risky on your last life

What if you lost track of how many lives you had left

What if your dreams were actually reality and reality were actually dreams

And you lived with those terrible thoughts that run through your brain at night

Your worst nightmares could smell your fear 

But you could finally fly and feel the breeze as you soared through the air 

What if whenever you sneezed 1 dollar would appear in your hands.

Everyday people would be making themselves sick

 You would see people touching their faces

Licking the floors

And tasting foods from Jack In The Box

What if all Shel Silverstein’s poems came true 

Coo-coo’s would come in your room stealing your skin

A face would appear on your thumb

Jimmy Jet would turn into a tv set

Clarence would order brand new parents

People would encourage listening to the Mustn’ts

And there would be a place where the sidewalk ends

The author's comments:

I wrote this for class.

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