Bullet Holes | Teen Ink

Bullet Holes

January 31, 2024
By acook1 BRONZE, Pitcher, New York
acook1 BRONZE, Pitcher, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The next time you leave work, take a left"

Life has attempted to shoot me down more than once. I’m ridden with bullet holes. Some bigger than others and some closer to my heart. Each time life puts another shot into my flesh, I dig out the bullet, curse and move on. I’m refusing to give in. I’ve lost so much blood and I’ve been hit in the heart more than once. But, I’m still standing. Each part of my body aches and begs for me to just give in and succumb to my exhaustion. But that would mean defeat and if cross country and just life in general taught me one thing, It’s never give up. No matter how much everything hurts, keep going. To give in would be the coward's way out and I’m no coward. I stand tall, blood pouring from each bullet hole like a waterfall, yet I still stand, building upon these destructive pieces of my life. My blood has all been drained from my body yet I’M STILL HERE! I AM STILL ALIVE! A warrior of my own journey, unnoticed in other’s eyes yet I know what I’ve done and the things it’s cost to get here. Some bullets should’ve killed me seeing as how I wear them so openly, yet sometimes the refusal of bandages is the loudest way to tell the world you need them. And I’ve refused bandages many times.

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