1 AM | Teen Ink

1 AM

February 7, 2024
By 4hendrickse BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
4hendrickse BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I am by myself I am pillow white:

Exhausted by my own thoughts, all I want to do is sleep;

silent and still, I don’t do much just sitting here;

I am soft and gentle, simple and clean.

When I am with the people I love I am a bolt of lightning:

Instantly energized when I meet up with a friend,

I no longer want to wrap myself in bed, but to stay up,

using all of my newfound energy.

Both are so different from each other, yet both are me.

The author's comments:

This is a two-toned poem that I wrote about how important my friends are to me, that when I am with them I feel better. 

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