Sun | Teen Ink


February 14, 2024
By Redstone GOLD, Topeka, Kansas
Redstone GOLD, Topeka, Kansas
13 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Respect is Given, Trust is Earned

The sun stands still, glowing with beauty. It gives so much light to the universe. It burns so much that eventually, the star will be carried by a hearse.     

The painful radiation it gives is crucial for its existence, but if a star is lonely and there’s no one to help, how is it ever going to fix this?

So it keeps on giving to planets, the suffering is felt in silence, so to the planets, all they will see is warmth and love and guidance.

The author's comments:

I've been making a collection of poems based on the Tik Tok Trend. The first one: Sun

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on Feb. 20 2024 at 8:58 am
thetruthuntold BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
My message for everyone is the same: that if we can learn to identify, express, and harness our feelings, even the most challenging ones, we can use those emotions to help us create positive satisfying lives. - MARC BRACKETT

FIRST CMT!!!! me is no.1 redstone fan!!!! THIS IS SO GOODDDDD <333