Former Friend | Teen Ink

Former Friend

April 26, 2024
By Anonymous

My life before you came was black and white, No shades of gray, no varied hues to see, But then each day was wonderful and bright, Because you brought the colors back to me. Over there! A sky so vast and deeply blue,
Green grass that gleams as brightly as a jewel, With golden-yellow flowers peeking through, Reflected in your eyes, pure crystal pools. But then you left, one sunny summer’s day, And took with you the gift you had bestowed
All, yellows, blues, and greens faded away, My eyes were left to see in black-white mode. Yet maybe when the fall returns once more, I might recall the vibrant days of yore.

The author's comments:

When I wrote this poem, I was going through a hard time; It was the moment my best friend and I stopped talking. This was a very difficult moment for me and so I decided to write this poem. I hope you guys love it. 

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