You were my best friend | Teen Ink

You were my best friend

May 2, 2024
By Anonymous

To be an old friend,

My beloved friend,

My beloved supporter,

My beloved friendship that had to end,

You were my best friend,

We had lots of classes together,

We were birds of a feather,

I miss our conversations,

I miss how we related,

Yet our friendship is outdated,

I'm sorry we ended the way we did,

I wanted you back,

I know you were dealing with some stuff so I tried to cut you some slack,

You said hurtful things,

I took it to heart,

Maybe I said hurtful things too,

I never meant to hurt you,

I loved you like a sister,

I loved you so much,

Yet you seem to put everything before me,

That includes a mister,

A boy who did not even matter,

Yet you put him on a silver platter,

I cared so I tried to help you,

But you had your mind made up,

I'm sorry your mental health is slippin',

I wish I could do something for you,

Really... I wish I could,

You and how you made me feel is something I never understood, 

Now we are apart,

You made new friends,
I'm happy for you.. Truly,

I wish you still cared for me with all your heart,

I wish you wanted to walk with me in the halls,

Instead of avoiding me and making our conflict go on like a never-ending call,

I remember those,

How we used to call and laugh,

Talk about the stupidest of things,

I called you when I had a boy get a little too close,

I cried and I cried,

I couldnt believe what had happened,

You were the first I called, 

You made me feel alright,

You made my world more bright,

You used to pick me up,

Now you let me fall,

God, I wish you could see how I felt,

Maybe our situation could have been dealt

You were my best friend,

Someone I thought I would know till the very end.

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