Covered in White | Teen Ink

Covered in White

May 7, 2024
By melchi BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
melchi BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After Neutral Milk Hotel and The Invention of Life by René Magritte


Too holy for their family

Too divine for their friends

Too godly for their neighbors who asked

Too pious for anyone who’s had the fortune of even glancing at them

But too much for the officers 

A lowlife for the government

Too filthy for the politicians

Who hoped for a guaranteed gruesome demise

A promised closed casket

To shame and intimidate

But to their loved ones 

They are covered in true deserved sanctity 

Unabashed and beautiful 

Just as their former glory

Standing by as a Roman guard

To give a final peck as a forbidden goodbye

To damn all adversaries

Damn them all to somewhere worse 

Worse than their actions

Worse than all evil

Worse than hell

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