The Moon's Kiss | Teen Ink

The Moon's Kiss

May 8, 2024
By Anonymous

I always find myself here

Wandering down the path, through the shelter of trees

Trying to find the daffodils of my journey

I lay on the surface of the earth as i listen to the sea of children play 

I can feel the grass growing against my fingertips

The innocence i feel 

almost restarts my life

tweet! twiddle twiddle chirp!

The feathered birds soaring past my ear bring me comfort

The moon kisses my cheeks 

While the stars hug me tightly

  I will not let my wings be clipped or tethered

 But I soon

 will fly and plant a kiss on the moon.

The author's comments:

I am a high school student at Oswego High School. I made this poem about my favorite park Jaycee Park. This park was a huge part of my life and I feel like it is not appreciated enough.

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