One Day | Teen Ink

One Day

May 16, 2024
By hmwrites25 BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
hmwrites25 BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One Day

One day I won’t be walking through these doors as I do every day.

One day I won’t be talking to these people I talk to every day.

One day I won’t be eating with the people I eat with every day.

One day I won’t see the people I see every day.

One day I’ll be somewhere new.

One day I’ll be somewhere far different.

One day I’ll be walking through new doors

And talking to new people,

And eating with new people,

And seeing new people.

One day my life won’t be what it is today.

So I try to cherish the moments

Because you don’t know when they’ll change

But it will, because time is a thief.

It sneaks upon us in times we don’t expect.

And time brings us change.

One day, everything will be different.

The author's comments:

I at times have a hard time thinking about how fast time brings things, and that I'll be going to college in about a year from now. I wrote this to reflect on that and learn to be excited rather than sad. 

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