The Most | Teen Ink

The Most

May 31, 2024
By Anonymous

I believe I lived my life to the most

Even if not in the highest class

However it is nothing to boast

For I traveled my life at a steady coast

Just enough effort to pass 

Neither a celebrity nor a ghost

They will find me on the floor as if I were dosed

My right hand still grasping my whiskey glass

Because now I am starting to smell the burnt toast

I miss my dog and my wife, my co-host

I miss my mom and her sass

But fun is what I miss the most

The parties I didn’t host

The arguments that ended with calling my brother a bum

The vacation photos and videos I didn’t post

I wish I did more things that I could use to boast

At least I didn’t let it all pass

At this moment there is no almost

I lived my life to the most

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