Not The ¨Perfect¨ Poem | Teen Ink

Not The ¨Perfect¨ Poem

July 6, 2024
By JuliaS_101 BRONZE, Lincoln, Rhode Island
JuliaS_101 BRONZE, Lincoln, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The word ¨perfect¨ should not exist.

No one,

No thing,

No place,

No planet,

Can be perfect

Everything has its flaws

I don't have a perfect life

The perfect nose

The perfect smile

The perfect clothes

But I do have a life for which I am grateful for


We put these ideas about being perfect

In our heads because our world 

Sets standards that are too far for us to grasp

And these high expectations are distant 

Like the Skyscrapers way above our heads

Our past had an ideal dream that we worked towards throughout history

But we failed over and over again

Because we will never reach the utopia they had planted in our minds


Is just an illusion that tells you 

You are less than who you are"

We need to look past those flawless lives and looks we see around us

No one will ever achieve perfection

Because we are better than ¨perfection¨


(quote Samukele Ncube)

The author's comments:

This is a Borrowed Line Poem. The borrowed line is "Perfection, is just an illusion that tells you you are less than who you are" quoted from Samukele Ncube. I was inspired by the topic of perfection, which we always see around us and are faced with high standards of all kinds daily.

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