Hope | Teen Ink


July 6, 2024
By AliyaM15 SILVER, Spring, Texas
AliyaM15 SILVER, Spring, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world has no hope 

And you’ll never hear me say that 

Good is all around 

Because the truth is 

Good cannot be found 

I would be a liar to convince you 

Every life holds purpose 

Pain is a shared memory 

And even though 

We all have tried our best 

Hope is cruel treachery 

Too many think 

A light is within every heart 

I know without a doubt that 

This thought tears people apart 

Humanity believes all to hold some form of evil 

Rage, spite, lies, failure 

It saddens me to see 

Others hold hope 

I know this for fact:

The author's comments:

I had written this piece when I was struggling. At the time, I had been going through a very hard, very far move to a foreign country. I wasn't able to see the good in the world. However, as time passed in the move, I eventually began to understand that even though our world is flawed, humanity still is beautiful.


*I am sending this piece by recommendation of BYU Young Authors Academy

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