Butt Dial | Teen Ink

Butt Dial

July 6, 2024
By AliyaM15 SILVER, Spring, Texas
AliyaM15 SILVER, Spring, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear anonymous person 

I apologize for the frequent calls 

And it’s not that I don’t like you 

But I didn’t mean to call at all 

You see, we all have hands 

But we also have butts 

And my butt is a chatterbox 

Who likes to cause a fuss 

I don’t know how it happens 

But when my phone is near my rear 

It dials the most random person 

And horrifies them by what they hear 

So dear anonymous person 

The next time you think it’s me calling 

Do me a solid and just hit decline 

Or my rear will be the one talking

The author's comments:

My Grandpa is always butt-dialing everyone, and constantly has to apologize for it. One day he asked me to write a poem about it, and that night I came up with this.


*I am sending this piece by recommendation of BYU Young Authors Academy

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