Him | Teen Ink


July 6, 2024
By AliyaM15 SILVER, Spring, Texas
AliyaM15 SILVER, Spring, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The path that I must take

I do not know where it will lead

But through Him I find my comfort

And through Him I find my peace

In Him my heart is mended

In Him my bonds are broke

I find my everlasting joy

When it's His hand that I hold

And I know it won’t be easy 

There will be burdens I must bear

Still, I know He will not leave me

When I’m drowning in despair

His power has no limit

His mercy no refrain

My Lord and my Redeemer

How I glorify His name!

Lost I am no longer

The hurt I knew is gone

In Him I am made stronger

In Him do I belong

The author's comments:

Recently I had the chance to go to FSY-  a camp for my church. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I was incredibly impacted by FSY. Throughout the week of camp, I wrote down this poem as a testimony of the love I feel for Christ.


*I am sending this piece by recommendation of BYU Young Authors Academy

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