Untitled | Teen Ink


August 6, 2009
By Bettina Nunez GOLD, Carlsbad, California
Bettina Nunez GOLD, Carlsbad, California
12 articles 1 photo 1 comment

How dare you do this to me
after you confess
your love to me and
that this is real
and absolutely true.
i dont understand why
you lie,
talk bad about me,
and dont even say

I wasn't going to give you
the pleasure of
seeing me miserable,
but i was letting you see
that this was a huge mistake.

How dare yousay
that you love me
and decide to break me into pieces
dont say your sorry
cuz i know you dont mean it.
And im glad your gone.
I was never in love
with a jerk like you.

I cant believe i fell
for a guy like you,
a horrible man
and making me believe
that you tried to even
make me
love you.

And i feel all this
hate because you
never said

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