"Right At This Moment" | Teen Ink

"Right At This Moment" MAG

By Anonymous

   Right at this moment, I am extremely drained.From breakfast till dinner, all day I've complained.I fell asleep face-first in my oatmeal, facial features grotesque.When I got called on in history, I was drooling on the desk.Rising at 6: 00 a.m. is God-Awful Insane.Only explanation: Our superintendent's lacking a brain.Someone get this guy a cerebellum.6: 00 a.m. is intolerable, I gotta tell 'em.Proof that 6: 00 is, for students, a mind-numbing time: "cerebellum" and "tell 'em" don't even rhyme.I propose that school start at noon: Well, maybe 1, 12's a little soon.And if it's nice outside we'll be out having fun.Memories are more important than if our busywork's done.Maybe, with that last proposal, I'm a little obnoxious.But how can you learn when your brain is unconscious?When I wake up in Algebra, completely confused,There's no way logarithms and such can be perused!I'm lucky if I'm dressed by 7: 20 every day.Forget about solving for X in the most logical way.And so, I ask, nay, beg that you consider my plea.And let me remind you, an army of students stands behind me.I don't ask much, just keep it in the back of your head.And if you need me, I'll be in my nice comfy bed.by Meredith Reuter, Brookfield, CT

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This article has 1 comment.

melodylake18 said...
on Jan. 22 2009 at 9:48 pm
This is exactly how I feel about waking up for high school. Great work!