Confusion | Teen Ink

Confusion MAG

By Anonymous

   The Creator of


changed, and shamed, and shattered.

Will you help me?

could you?

What if I am beyond help?

A church with a steeple.

Holy father, Will you save me?

could you?

What if I am already saved?

Four caps of psychedelic delight.

Will you please me?

could you?

What if I can Never be pleased?

A man with a Beautiful smile

and nice neck.

Will you love me?

could you?

What if I have tasted love

and spit it out?

A long book of required

dribble and drab.

Will you educate me?

could you?

What if I know it all?

Strongly brewed Colombian -

two creams, no sugar.

Will you wake me?

could you?

What if I can never awake

from this dream?

A man on a Bike,

with an angry smile.

Will you kill me?

could you?

What if I am already dead?

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 16 2012 at 10:18 am
poetface SILVER, Woodruff, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” Marcus Aurelius

The structure of this poem creates a flow and the tone is powerful. :) great!