Couldn&#39t Ask for Anything Else | Teen Ink

Couldn&#39t Ask for Anything Else

August 30, 2009
By ariwrites94 GOLD, Deltona, Florida
ariwrites94 GOLD, Deltona, Florida
17 articles 4 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." ---Plato

I need a man whom I can trust who will tell me everything
But I see you're dark and secretive eyes gaze slyly upon me

Sometimes I believe you're a fake in some ways
Sometimes I think you pretend different things

Just to make yourself seem good as well as you can
You don't want to portray to others that sometimes you're bad

Yes I know that you love me, but I don't know to what extent
So please explain clearly so I won't ever have doubts again

Would you give away everything just to find me again?
Would you throw away your dreams to not see the end?
The ones you've been working for right down till this day?
The ones that may have a prosperous future if attention was payed?

Please, tell me you love me more than your own self
And as long as you mean it I couldn't ask for anything else

I need a man who will give me his hand through everything
But I see your clenched fists holding on to another something

Sometimes I know that you make me sound bad
Sometimes you disappoint me and make me feel sad

Just to make yourself sound good as well as you can
You wanna make others feel that you're a respectable man

Yes, I know that you care for me, but I don't know to what extent
So please explain clearly so I won't have to ask you again

I need someone who'll love and cherish me
Someone to love respectably

But I can't say it's true
When speaking about you

Cause every time I turn my back
I'm hearing something else about you that makes me upset

Yes I know that you love me, I just don't know what to expect
So please explain clearly so I can forgive and forget

Would you give away everything just to find me again?
Would you throw away your dreams to not see the end?
The ones you've been working for right down till this day?
The ones that may have a prosperous future if attention was payed?

Please, tell me you love me more than your own self
And as long as you mean it I couldn't ask for anything else


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