Illuminated Lightbulb | Teen Ink

Illuminated Lightbulb MAG

By Anonymous

   Illuminated Lightbulb

Pop! Bang! Spark! Bam!                                    
Boom! Flash! Zip! Wham!          
                          - Click -     
Dialtone. Dialtone. Dialtone.
Think. Think. Think.
WhoamI? WhoamI? WhoamI?
Sink. Sink. Sink.               
                         - Fear-
Burning desire cries out for you,
But I quickly turn away.
I always seem to be hating you,
Yet inwardly, I want you to stay.

Other girls have meant nothing.
A joke. A pleasure. A bore.
Though since I have made your acquaintance,
You have shown me that there's so much more.

To relationship and to love; to life and to death; to right and to wrong.
But it frightened me, so I ran and I ran and I ran and I hid.
Now I wish I'd never done it,
But you know and I know what happened and what I did.

So there's no use denying what I have done,
And tonight I've found who I am:
A liar. A thief. An ass. A snake.
A jerk. A creep. A sham.

I want to be with you, together as one,
But I ran from you once, what's to say not again?
And I don't want to hurt you, that's least of my thoughts.
So I'll wait till I'm ready, which will be when ...

I'll stop running and hiding and avoiding your glance,
With you, I'll always want to stay.
Things will be different from now and finally then,
I'll always know the perfect things to say.

The time will come.

by J. O., Shelton, CT

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