God Made The World In Silence, | Teen Ink

God Made The World In Silence, MAG

By Anonymous

   in silence the earth was born.

Silence brings not a shattered soul,

a silent heart cannot be torn.

Silence is always faithful

so silence has always been,

For noise is only shorter and bitter,

sound: but now and then.

God will crush the world in quiet,

in quiet the earth must die.

For quiet reigns through the


echoing space and sky.

Noise is something painful,

a hope that may never last.

If love was a power full of quiet,

love would not die so fast.

Noise hath crushed the loving silence,

noise has broken sky and sea.

Noise has hated the all good quiet,

and so silence cannot be free.

I have sat here for a lifetime,

listening to ugly noise

hopelessly, endlessly searching,

in this darkness, for a void.

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