Love Dream | Teen Ink

Love Dream

December 11, 2009
By QT-bomb7 BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
QT-bomb7 BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I had a dream...
A love dream
He was standing in the hall...
The Cvms Breezeway.
He stared at me, up and down...
He all the sudden looked confused.
"Sit down with me." he said
I sat down on the school table’s benches.
I sat across from him...
He looked deep into my eyes.
I looked deep into his.
How beautiful I thought.
He put his hand in front of me, laying it palm up.
He looked at me and I knew he wanted my hand lying in his hand.
I slowly put my hand in his. When I did I had a breeze of relief go through my mind
I thought about nothing.....
But him
My mind escaped into his gorgeous eyes.
i wasn’t thinking about school or family or friends...just him.
We didn’t take our eyes off each other.
It was a great moment...
I hope to remember it forever!
My love dream!


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