Help! | Teen Ink


March 19, 2010
By Shabanana SILVER, Teaneck, New Jersey
Shabanana SILVER, Teaneck, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 45 comments


good friends are always helpful
when you are in pain
but sometimes you must think of them
does this all seem humane

when you vent to a friend
about all the hardships that you've had
did you ever think for even a minute
maybe it'll make them sad

in every persons lifetime
they've had troubles too
but you never stop to think
they may be similar to you

sometimes when you tell these stories
other hearts are broken
tears sometimes even hidden
no sympathy being spoken

at times you can get empathy
but usually not a word
its difficult to comfort someone
after your own emotions have been stirred

friends are not psychologists
so don't confuse the two
friends are there to hang out with
psychologists to solve an issue

so when you have a problem
talk to someone who can assist
talking to a friend
will only make them pissed

i'm not saying not to talk to them
when something has gone bad
just telling you to be careful
so that your friends don't make you sad

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This article has 4 comments.

on Apr. 6 2010 at 7:27 pm
Shabanana SILVER, Teaneck, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 45 comments
thank you for commenting but im going to have to disagree. friends can be great psychologists but what this poem is saying is that many times you cry to your friend about something and you dont realize that they are going through the same thing and it makes it very difficult for them. i went through this personally with 1 of my best friends and now we arent really so close because she always made me sad with all her problems. i learned that whenever there is a problem, always go 2 a parent. they know best and have the most life experiences and they have helped me way more than my friends ever could. (although i do appreciate my friends very much for sticking by my side during difficult times)

on Apr. 4 2010 at 8:01 pm
babigerl1194 PLATINUM, Margaretville, New York
23 articles 10 photos 155 comments

Favorite Quote:
wat doesnt kill you only makes you stronger

i disagree. ma friends ARE ma psychiatrists and im theirs. and yes i have htought about this. but wen a friend holds back i feeel bad.

on Apr. 2 2010 at 2:56 pm
Shabanana SILVER, Teaneck, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 45 comments

zayde jake said...
on Apr. 2 2010 at 11:34 am
Another gem by Shabanana ! I'm really proud of you, your versatility of topics, style of expression and clarity of thought. Simply extra-ordinary and special !