Honor of the Stars | Teen Ink

Honor of the Stars

March 22, 2010
By Metallicajunkie DIAMOND, Hartfield, Virginia
Metallicajunkie DIAMOND, Hartfield, Virginia
73 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
Replace old memories with new ones.

Created then lost.
Loved and hated.
Cradled then tossed.
Sat in silence and always waited.
Corrupted and engrossed,
obsessed with finding love.
It's official, I've been diagnosed,
I'm lost staring at the stars above.
Gazing into their shining light
amazed and dreaming.
The child in my heart begins to excite
and my desperation ceases screaming.
My heart refuses to cry
for I have found solace in the stars.
See the glow in my eye?
No longer do I pay attention to all of my scars.
And so I sit dreaming sweet dreams,
wondering what life has in store for me.
Like the beautiful star I see, my passion grows and gleams.
I kneel, expecting to be knighted, resting my weight upon one knee.
Dubbed The Forever Free, I rise and grin a most wondrous smile.
Alone in this green field I stand conversing with the sky.
The stars' trust I swore not to defile,
I debt of gratitude I owe, for they have shown me how to clarify.
Lost then recovered,
destroyed then rebuilt.
Buried then discovered.
And so I rise with sword and hilt.
I have become the light I admired,
I have acclaimed the very thing I desired.

The author's comments:
When I look into the stars I always see inspiration, but I always felt like I could never grasp it and put it into words. So finally one night I went outside and gazed at the stars and wrote this.


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