The boy and his Bear | Teen Ink

The boy and his Bear

May 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Wait Don't forget me!

I'm here but the can't see,

Inside the truck, taken away

Helpless like a fish without water

Always together, every day and night,

I am the bear you have always held tight,

My home is your room, now where? I must regret

This is not right,

Who will be there

Oh, no now I'm out of sight

It's five years later now I'm out of storage

Coming back home where I belong

When i reached the house everything was the same

My heart grew warm, I could feel no shame

As i was picked up and put into your room,

I remembered the days when we had nothing to do,

Now i was home

Time for a new start,

Back to the old days

We would now be able to do things

like put on plays

As i heard the door open I new you were home from school

And when i saw you standing I felt something in my heart

This is what it feels like when you take a boy and his stuffed bear apart

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