I am But a Tiny Flower | Teen Ink

I am But a Tiny Flower

May 28, 2008
By Anonymous

I am but a tiny flower,
looking up at the trees,
I remember praying to god,
"Make me taller, please!"

I am but a tiny flower,
in a field of green.
So if you stop, look around.
It's such a beautiful scene!

I am but a tiny flower,
visited not long ago.
By a buzzing bumble,
buzzing ever so low.

I am but a tiny flower.
I have not a thing to fear;
for the skies are a really pretty blue,
and look so mighty clear.

I am but a tiny flower.
I see creatures all around me.
Most of them are taller though,
so I have to look up to see.

I am but a tiny flower,
from the sun I get my food,
but I'm not greedy, I'm generous.
Otherwise that would be rude.

I am but a tiny flower,
looking up at the sky.
Something just came along and picked me,
so I guess this is good-bye!

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