I am... Real | Teen Ink

I am... Real

June 7, 2010
By Bubbly-Monkey-Left-behind BRONZE, Auburn, California
Bubbly-Monkey-Left-behind BRONZE, Auburn, California
4 articles 6 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"An eye for an eye leaves the world blind" -Ghandi

I am a teenage girl
I wonder if life would be different if my dad had stayed around
I hear crying where ever I go
I see the pain my mother goes through everyday
I want people to hear my story
I am a teenage girl

I pretend that I am Cinderella; waiting for my fairytale
I feel numb when I think of my father
I touch my tears every night
I worry about my brother when we don't hear from him
I cry when others cry
I am a Broken teenage girl

I understand others pain, but wish they could understand my own
I say I'm fine when I'm really not
I dream my dreams, with the understanding that they may never come true
I try not to cry in front of everyone at school
I hope that one day, I will be able to change the way the world thinks
I am a teenage girl with dreams of her own

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