If Books were Poems | Teen Ink

If Books were Poems

October 29, 2007
By Anonymous

If books were poems then what would poems be,
Just a lick of words on your tongue,
Or a splash of refreshing water that is rhyme.

Books would be not just epic battles and facts of all,
It would have a beat and rhythm of joy and anguish,
For all to see and hear.

Are books poems or poems books?
Most people would say books can’t be poems,
To the contrary I say,
Poems are simply stories of all kinds.

Next time you skim through vast pages of the never ending spiral,
Of books or a finely woven string and sound, a limerick.
Just remember, books and poems aren’t that different.

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This article has 1 comment.

bookworm said...
on Jan. 2 2012 at 9:03 am
good poe im a big reader myself and i have never thought of it that way so thanks for inlightning me