Who.Why? | Teen Ink


July 14, 2010
By Ellaa GOLD, Belmar, New Jersey
Ellaa GOLD, Belmar, New Jersey
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Friends are like four leaf clovers....
Hard to find...
But lucky to have <3

When im in that place
When its pitch black
My feelings come out
My emotions are let lose
Who I really am
What I really want in life
Who I really need in life
Nothing makes sense
Did it ever?
I think about you all the time
But yet you seem to not care about anything
Not even how I feel.
I’ll never be perfect
But you won’t look at what’s inside
You’ll always want appearance to come first
And im not what you want
Im not who you want
Im just a girl
An ordinary girl
And she’s special
There’s a sparkle when you see her
It’s hard to walk away
And say good bye to you
You’re all that I think about
You’re always on my mind
But im just an ordinary girl
I don’t stand out
I don’t sparkle to you
Im just a dull dark color
And when im sitting in that corner,
All I think about is you
And why nothing in life seems to make sense
But then I think again.
And I realize that it never made sense
So why
Why that’s what I want know.
Why am I that dull color in the crayon box to you?
Why don’t I sparkle?

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