The Search for a Pet | Teen Ink

The Search for a Pet

September 30, 2010
By Sabrina444 GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Sabrina444 GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trust those who seek the truth, but doubt those who say they found it.

I sat at my kitchen table waiting for my dad/
Everyone was waiting there, but no one got too mad/
Eventually he came in and sat down at the table/
And told me something I believed to only be a fable//
My dad said he thought the house was way too quiet/
He wanted some noise, but not as much as a riot/
"We need a pet," my dad said, confident and proud/
Everyona agreed, although it couldn't be too loud//
We sat at the table, trying to think of a good pet/
When we picked a dog, we didn't know which kind to get/
Istayed up all night looking for one, but couldn't find a hound/
After a while my dad said, "Let's just go to the pound."//
Weeks passed, and the thought of getting a dog began to pass/
Until my dad said, "Let's go," got in the car, and hit the gas/
We got to the pound and saw all the different dogs/
The older dogs didn't even react, like lumps on logs//
We then decided that older dogs weren't our style/
Maybe we could get a puppy, and go the extra mile/
When we found out how much time a puppy takes to train/
All our plans to get a puppy went straight down the drain//
"Maybe dogs aren't a good idea," my little brother said/
"Cats are in the other room," said a sign that I read/
We were lead into the other roomeveryones hopes held up high/
I looked back into the other room and told the dogs goodbye//
all the kittens romped around, batting at each other/
"These kittens have a chance. Let's get an old cat," said my mother/
We all dragged our feet, heading toward the cages with older cats/
My mom sneezed repeatedly but waved us away like gnats//
So we couldn;t get a dog, because none of them were right/
And if we got a cat my mom would sneeze with all her might/
We left the pound that day without a pet to call our own/
But before we left I made sure to throw a dog a bone//

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