Annabelle, Oh Annabelle. | Teen Ink

Annabelle, Oh Annabelle.

October 25, 2010
By MasterSoap GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
MasterSoap GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.&quot; -<br /> Kurt Cobain

Annabelle, sweet, innocent, Annabelle,
I hear your cries of pain.
Oh, how much I pray to take it all away.
I hear walls of thunder
caving in on you.
Your pleading cries are only a surrender,
to the one who does this to you.

Annabelle, my Annabelle,
I hate myself for not protecting you.
I wince when I hear an awful, deadly 'Thrash',
And I no longer hear your screams...
My life begins to crash.

Anabelle, beautiful Annabelle,
Whisper to let me know you're okay.
Oh, this waiting.. It feels like it's been days.
I cry at my own hurtful thoughts.
I can only wish that it'd been me instead of you.
Annabelle, my love, my sweet Annabelle....

After a heartbreaks time,
I hear the smallest whimper.
Your teeth are chattering.
You begin to shiver.

Annabelle, Oh Annabelle.

I love you so..
I shall be there soon...
Just don't let go.

The author's comments:
Having to watch your love, your soulmate, suffer.

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