where im from | Teen Ink

where im from

May 12, 2011
By roxy13 BRONZE, Wellford 1, South Carolina
roxy13 BRONZE, Wellford 1, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Time goes by a lot slower when you miss the one you love"- Anonymous

i am from the dirt and mud
from saddles and boots
i am from the swing set
now rusted and corroded
from years of abuse
i am from the pine trees
their needles littering the ground
who stood tall and proud
like i wish i could

im from the woods and creeks
from MeMa and PawPaw
im from the give what you get
and always give it your all
from walking to school uphill both ways
im from a country boy can survive
in the middle of this perfect storm

im from Tyger River and the grits mill
black coffee and homemade biscuits
from the mother i didn't have
to the father
who was always there
from the journals in the drawer
flowing with words and feelings
long lost emotions
to haunt me forever
im from the other side of the fence
that grows taller every day
so that i'll never make it over.

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