A Mask | Teen Ink

A Mask

February 28, 2008
By Anonymous

Why do you continue to deceive?
Never revealing what’s behind you,
Showing a side you only want others to see.
You seem to be great at hiding the truth,
But what is so great a secret that you must hide from the world?
You keep showing me your beautiful face,
But the beauty does not belong to you.
All I see when I look at you is all the things that are not true.
I see the images brought by the world,
All false and those that would make me hurl
At the fact that they’re defining you,
Turning you into an unpleasant sight,
One that I have no desire to see.
You come at me expecting me to embrace you,
But the one I used to embrace is no longer there.
For why I wonder the reason for this lie,
For to be something you’re not is to be nothing at all.
To this deception one looses their identity.
They go not knowing all they can be and more.
In the end all becomes clear that the true mask is the mask of fear.

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