i love you | Teen Ink

i love you

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

sitting at home
i write a poem
trying to get it all out
i know i can't
however hard i try
i know i won't succeed
but i try all the same
and the only words i cant get to fit are three
they are i love you
i know it's pathetic
yes it's very true
but they are the only ones
that seem to fit the best
i love you for a million reasons
i can't fit them into this poem
so i say the tree small ones i can
i love you
every day
is the same
i love you all the time
i can't change that
even if i tried
and i never want to
i will feel the pain
that may come in the end
i know it was worth it
however painful it may be
as long as i know you loved me
even if it was just as a friend
or maybe the way i do
but three simple words explain it all
i love you
i know i don't so it enough
and i'm so very sorry
but just know in the end
i love you

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