I Love You | Teen Ink

I Love You

April 30, 2008
By Anonymous

I know you and I been through hard times,
Because I decided do a big crime.
You change me for the better,
Kept my hope up by sending me love letter.
You were the love of my life.
Love me even though I created strife.
I remember the last time I break up with you.
You and I both felt blue.
I did it to protect you from harm.
But now I can no longer see your loving simile when we work on your grandmother farm.
You had a beautiful smile.
Love it even though it was only for awhile.
I remember how badly you cried when I walk out the front door.
You don’t know this but I cry too, maybe even more.
I know it took me very long,
But I’m happy that I said it before you was gone.

I love you.
You are my one and only boo.
Your eyes lit up brighter than a million stars.
You are telling me your day while I sit there and smoke my cigar.
I love you from the first time we met,
All the way to the time we watch our last perfect sunset.
I love you not, never.
In my heart we’ll always be together.

I love you doesn’t seem too hard to say.
I say it again when you and I was sitting by the bay.
And everyday I start to pray,
Wishing you was here to stay.
It didn’t turn out the way I hope.
And now that something I have to cope.
Miss your beautiful smile.
Your death was very vile.
Miss your pretty blonde hair.
The love we had was very rare.

I love you is the one thing I wanted to say.
I know you are here when I start to pray.
You love me too.
My heart was your accrued.
I love you from the bottom of my heart.
You were right by side when I was trying to hunt some hart.
I love you,
And that is nothing but true.

I can’t believe you’re gone.
Love for you was the best thing I fond.
On and off you were my girl and I was your man.
Vicious I sometime was, and still help me every way you can.
Every now and than I swear I could see you.
Joy is what you put my world through.
Everything you did was to help out the world.
When time got tough, I was glad that you were my girl.

I love you.
I love you because you are my boo.
I love you even though we hit hard times.
I love you because you helped me make rhymes.
I love you when you are talking about your day.
I love you even when more than once we went our separate ways.
I love you because you show me faith.
I love you because you and I created interfaith.
I love you because you’re my girl.
I love you more diamonds and pearls.
I love you with all my heart.
I love you enough to know we’ll never be apart.
I love you because you gave me a special night.
I love you after we get into huge fights.
I love you because you were clever.
I love you now till for ever.
I love you because you took a bus to visit me all the way up in Ankeny.
I love you Jenny.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 5 2012 at 1:46 pm
MadLibs PLATINUM, Poquoson, Virginia
34 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
It wouldn&#039;t allow me to fit the entire verse here but it&#039;s 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 <br /> Love never fails.

The grammar is poor but your message is so sweet. Love it.