Most of Anything | Teen Ink

Most of Anything

May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

most of anything is what i owe you
knowing for who you really are is captured inside me
twisting right to left as if you've known me too well
walking down this never ending beach line
i layed down watching the crytsal ocean ripples wash ashore
the sand was ever so silky like the skin i once held
only if she was here to know how it felt inside of me
only if, only if she had known me too well
i cant bare to see you..
you have guided me wrong yet i forgive
the sun had just set and being there without you was impossible
a cool breeze had came along and soothed me
it wasnt enough
lost a tear, and in that tear i saw you
only if she was here to know how i felt inside of me
only if, only if she had known me too well...

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