The Love Left Unsolved | Teen Ink

The Love Left Unsolved

January 8, 2012
By youngwriter14 SILVER, Beckley, West Virginia
youngwriter14 SILVER, Beckley, West Virginia
5 articles 3 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&#039;&#039;My perfect love,is her perfect loss.&quot;<br /> &quot;When nothing goes right,go left.&quot;<br /> &quot;I&#039;m not short,I&#039;m fun size.&quot;<br /> &quot;You can change your hair,you can change your clothes it doesn&#039;t matter but that&#039;s the way it goes you will always be you!&quot;

As I lay my face down on my pillow,
I think of us under that big willow
I close my eyes and remember that kiss that lasted as if quicker than a blink of an eye.
Our wonderful memories always make me cry,
I deadly regret the mistakes I’ve made
I've came to conclusion, I will never be the same...but, I will fade.
I buried my head into my pillow yelling, “Come back my way and stay.” I slid my hand down my side grabbed the knife, and yelled “For my love is yours forever to hold when you get lonely that’s the only path that you owe me, if only this love was a phony…I'd never feel lonely.”


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