If I Let You Look into My Heart | Teen Ink

If I Let You Look into My Heart

June 28, 2008
By Anonymous

If I could trust you
If I could find the courage to do it
Then I would let you
Look into my heart
And ponder my dreams
My hopes
My fears
My longings
But what you would find in abundance
Is insecurity
You would see that the smile on my face
Is just a mask to hide the internal tears
You would see that the loving look in my eyes
Is really a pleading cry for help
You would see that when I sit close to you
I am begging for comfort
You would see that when I stand near you
With tears in my eyes
I really want a hug
You would see that when my head is hung
And with tears my eyes are stung
I really want you to look at me, to lift my chin to the sky
You would see that when I am soul-injured depressed
That I am truthfully afraid

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