Alone | Teen Ink


May 5, 2008
By Anonymous

I hate the words she says to me
Those hurtful words
Keep going through my brain
And come out as a tear

I feel like I ignore them
But deep down inside I hurt

I breakdown into tears
As I try and talk with my friends
But they seem to never care
By not calling me back nor responding

I feel betrayed by my own sister
Who used to be there for me
And always be there to help me be happy
But now she never calls me, messages me or anything
Same thing as her mom does to her

I feel like I’m left out in the world
And crying for help in tears
Gasping for air
As no one seems responds to my calls
When I call out for them

I keep my pain inside my body
Stuck in my mind
But hide the pain in my heart
As it bleeds so fast
And my hearts pounds so fast
I cannot keep up

I am happy when I am with my special someone
But when I am alone, that’s when I really go down
And start to sink into the sand
With all my worries
I feel that I always will stay the same

It just feels so scary to be alone
And the feeling of betrayal is unbearable
I feel no one goes through it
And I feel that I am just alone

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