She Saw Mr. Darcy Walk Into the Room | Teen Ink

She Saw Mr. Darcy Walk Into the Room

September 25, 2007
By Anonymous

She saw Mr. Darcy walk into the room
He came towards her with an agitated manner
“My feelings will not be repressed;”
“I admire and love you”
That she should receive an offer of marriage!
Elizabeth’s astonishment was beyond expression
He had no doubt of a favourable answer.
But his pride, his abominable pride.
His complexion became pale with anger,
The pause was dreadful,
He looked at her with an expression of mortification;
Elizabeth felt herself growing more angry,
“No motive can excuse the unjust part you acted.”
“You have said quite enough madam”
He hastily left the room
The tumult of her mind was now painfully great.

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