My Heart Sings a Song | Teen Ink

My Heart Sings a Song

March 8, 2008
By Anonymous

my heart sings a song

a song just for you

my heart sings a song

even though its in two

my heart sings a song

i listen and try not to cry

my heart sings a song

i don't even know why

my heart sings a song

all about hurt and pain

my heart sings a song

stuck in my head like a stain

my heart sings a song

it sings it all day

my heart sings a song

will it ever go away

my heart sings a song thats not even a song at all

my heart doesn't sing a song

its just you laughing at me as you watch me fall

my heart is broken

you left me alone

my heart is broken

now i'm on my own

my heart is broken now just let me die

so i don't have to hear the song

the song that i that my heart sang

the song that was really you causing me pain

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