Fragile as Ice | Teen Ink

Fragile as Ice

February 20, 2012
By littlesongbird BRONZE, Boxford, Massachusetts
littlesongbird BRONZE, Boxford, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Beauty is truth, truth beauty--that is all<br /> Ye know on Earth, and all ye need to know.&quot;<br /> --John Keats

A layer of snow
covers everything I know
When I turn and look out
Nothing I know is about
But, all the same, I look ahead
And keep walking.

Icicles hang
Where the birds once sang
The sky is gray
And like yesterday
I must turn around, look ahead
And keep walking.

Color has vanished
All the joyous creatures banished
But I must stay strong
Even if this is so wrong
I must focus, level my head
And keep walking.

Frigid air bites my skin
My courage has worn thin
But nothing's left, they have gone
So I must move on
Slowly now, raise my head
And keep walking.

My legs start to sway
Why do I feel this way?
I can't be weak
For I must find what I seek
But, all the same, I break down
And start falling.

I can't be strong anymore
What had I been looking for?
Nothing could be done
And now I need someone
So I calm myself, close my eyes
And start believing.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem in 7th grade for a project, along with two others and some articles. Tell me what you think!

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