Loved You Again | Teen Ink

Loved You Again

April 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Loved you again and again
Let you go again and again
My head rushing
My heart beating uncontrollably
Words and thoughts running through my head
Notes and pictures all across my bed
As i sit and think of you
As i think of us
And what we used to be

Kissed you so many times
Let go many times more
My body shaking violently
My fingertips graze your written words constantly
The images run trough my head
Like a movie with the wrong words
And i sit and think of you
I think of us
And what we could be

So many memories of us
Bad times more then good
My hands tearing the papers
My eyes crying the held back tears
The gloss on the pictures is cracked
The words are torn to never be read again
Yet i still sit and think of you
I think of us
I think of what we were, what we could be
And how it will and never has worked

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