Teenage Mom | Teen Ink

Teenage Mom

July 22, 2008
By Anonymous

I am a single teenage mom
I wonder where her father is
I hear her crying down the hall
I see her throw up all over her new pajamas
I want her to stop
I am a single teenage mom

I pretend the father is here
I feel jealous of all my friends who don’t all the responsibilities of caring for a
2 year old.
I touch her forehead, I get the thermometer, she has a temp of 102.
I worry it may be something serious
I cry while waiting in the emergency room. They won’t let me see her
I am single teenage mom

I understand she is okay, but I’m still scared because I know that I have to

raise her alone
I say that I love her
I dream of her growing up
I try to raise her, but its hard
I hope she’ll grow up alright, with a mom without a high school diploma
and no father. But Jenny knows that her mommy loves her
I am a single teenage mom

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