Broken Child, Earth Angel | Teen Ink

Broken Child, Earth Angel

July 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Mine ears inside my head do hurt,
To hear such brokenhearted words,
Pain inside a child's eyes,
Her story stutters,
Stumbling by,

To know such treachery can be true,
Lurking in a normal seeming family,
Trust in older sibling lost,
As tears are dribbling,
Daggered words fly at my flesh,
Horrors surfaced and exposed,
I don't want to believe and face the truth,
Is this a test God?
I carry the broken child to her father's place of rest,
Sworn to silence by an oath given before I knew,
Begging her to confess what it was that befell her.

Words at best could not describe the thing that pained that child inside,
Pen and paper,
With a picture she made truth known,
She became free,
Free from the terror felt as night approached,
Free from him,
A purer more naive heart has never been,
For who else could forgive a brother who encroached upon her night and night again,

All the while she still feeling the pain he caused within.

Always broken she remains,
Innocence lost at the age of six,
What he took,
An irreplaceable gift.

The author's comments:
this was written for my stepsister who i love with all my heart. if god put angels on this earth for us she must be one of them. if someone ever comes to you for help with a situation like rape don't ignore it tell someone who can do something about it.

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