Why Linger | Teen Ink

Why Linger

July 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Why Linger when the future is bright
Why Linger when the past draws nigh.
Why sit still when life is in motion,
As you drown in your self pity,
Creating your own corrosion.

Why Linger in your world, when there’s others in need.
Why won’t you listen to my agonizing plea.
My words continue to float above your head,
As if leaving this truthful poem, verily unread.

Why Linger my friend, leaving this poem a waste of time.
When will any of this actually begin to chime?
Why Gossip when we all have flaws,
When it eventually leads us to the devil’s claws.

Why linger when there are new relationships to be formed,
Yet also new achievements to be adorned.
Why stay in the He-said/She-said crowd,
When there’s a chance to be independent, ever proud.

It is still not to late to step up,
Take a leap.
Don’t hold on to the waterfalls that you ever weep.
Down the river still it flows, full of wisdom, full of woes.

The author's comments:
The poem, 'Why Linger,' targets the topics of teen drama, gossip, and mainly just moving on from the dreams, never fulfilled, or the small things in life, that don't matter as much.

As a writer, I enjoy writing about politics, love, and life in general. Poetry helps me feel at peace with myself, write down the emotions that I can't explain. Poetry is more than a hobby for me, but a type of lifestyle.

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