A Wolf in Sheep's Wool | Teen Ink

A Wolf in Sheep's Wool

July 10, 2008
By Anonymous

In the flock like all the rest

But emerging forth from the crowd

It's what makes the wolf different from the sheep

The sheep so quick to follow one another

Blind to see where they are going

It is what makes them most vulnerable

They are without thought

Just lead and they will follow

Follow the path to destruction

The wolf can shed its wool and leave the flock

It can overcome the herd, the sheep.

It can choose the path least followed

And join a pack of wolves or roam on its own

The wolf a preditor,free to beits own leader

Free to set and accomplish goals

But the sheep are prey to fail and misfortune

The wolf is silent by nature but will howl at the moon

And will growl when threatened or upset, not afraid to show its true colors

While sheep are natuirally loud and boastful

This is what sets apart the sheep from the wolves.

The author's comments:
This was a poem I had to write for school. It had to do with symbolism and how to relate an animal or an animal's characteristics to yourself. I chose the wolf and sheep instead of one individual animal to represent me and people like me and sheep to represent those who choose to follow instead of lead and those who unfortunately are mislead.

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