Why do they not want me. | Teen Ink

Why do they not want me.

May 2, 2012
By P@inLe55 PLATINUM, Poteet, Texas
P@inLe55 PLATINUM, Poteet, Texas
23 articles 0 photos 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be your self and have fun, for you only live once

Why does no one want me,
What makes it so hard to be,
What more is there to hide,
Why am I so dead inside,
I feel so alone,
I feel so used and cold as stone,
Thrown away in a moments time,
Without reason or rhyme,
Why does no one want me,
Do they all hate who I’ve grown to be,
Well they forgot one thing about me,
They are the ones that lead me to be so lonely…..


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